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  • Člun Marine 12M
  • Člun Marine 12M
  • Člun Marine 12M
  • Člun Marine 12M
  • Člun Marine 12M

Lehký člun Marine 12M

Marine 12M Light BoatMarine Standard boats offered in this range enjoy the V hull construction for easy plan-ning on the water. The 10M, 12M and 14M boats can be easily carried on the roof of your car. ...
Availability Na objednávku
Doporučená MOC: 49 000 CZK
48 000 CZK
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Detailed description

Producer Marine
Product No. 10800002

Marine 12M Light Boat

Marine Standard boats offered in this range enjoy the V hull construction for easy plan-ning on the water.

The 10M, 12M and 14M boats can be easily carried on the roof of your car. Marine 10M is the lightest aluminium boat on the market. Its low weight and V shaped hull bottom give the boat high speed and perfect manoeuvrerability. All models get planning easily even with less powered engines and they are excellent for leisure cruising, transportation of passengers or load, for fishing and much more.




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