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  • Mapa Soča

Vodácká+cyklistická+turistická mapa SOČA

Topographic map of the Soca’s valley. This map shows all the kayak runs of the Soca and its tributary, the Koritnica.  For each run, the map gives you : distance, grade, campings, rapids. Numerous photographs. Non-paddling people may use the footpaths : they are here too....
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Topographic map of the Soca’s valley. This map shows all the kayak runs of the Soca and its tributary, the Koritnica.  For each run, the map gives you : distance, grade, campings, rapids. Numerous photographs. Non-paddling people may use the footpaths : they are here too.
Recto-verso full colours map at scale 1/50.000. This map is covered by a plastic sheet : you can use it outdoor.


Author : Max Pollner
Format: 50x70 mm
Year of publication : 2007
Language(s) :English, German, Slovene

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